Energy Certificates / Technical Inspections
Building energy performance certificate
The energy performance certificate of a building (energy certificate for short) specifies the estimated demand for final energy Ek and primary energy Ep of a building, and also determines whether the given values comply with the standards.
In addition, it will contain specific proposals for actions aimed at improving the energy performance of the building.
An energy performance certificate is required when:
- an existing structure (permises, flats, buildings) is intended for rent or sale,
- the building is put into use,
- the thermal characteristics of the modernized building were changed
Energetic audit
An energetic audit is a detailed examination (expert opinion) of a building, the primary purpose of which is to improve the energy performance of the building and is aimed at reducing the costs of energy used for heating and cooling the building.
The audit includes cost estimates, calculations of the period in which the costs related to the modernization of the facility will be reimbursed.
An energy audit is necessary to obtain subsidies for thermal modernization of buildings. It is necessary to submit relevant applications for grants.
Technical inspections
We also carry out legally required annual and five-year technical inspections of real estates, from which appropriate reports are prepared. Reports include e.g. lists of necessary repairs, critical defects, if any and relevant recommendations.

Contact us
WAMM Property Partners
PL-02-482 Warszawa, ul. Szczera 13, Poland
Phone: +48 535 303 616; +48 60 33 111 44
E-mail: wm@wamm-pp.pl www.wamm-pp.pl