Leading Clients to their goals

Brokerage in Real Estate acquisitions, sales and leasing activities

WAMM Property Partners (supported by state license No 2460) is also focused on real estate brokerage services, aiming mainly at sales and acquisitions but also at leasing of the properties in Poland.

Main areas of activities:

  • Acquisitions and sales of real estates either commercial or residential
  • Leasing of real estates either commercial or residential
  • Searching for development plots (commercial and residential) fulfilling specific requirements of potential investors

WAMM Property Partners secures preliminary analysis of the property under consideration and arranges following after relevant legal and technical due diligence analysis.

Contact us

WAMM Property Partners
PL-02-482 Warszawa, ul. Szczera 13, Poland
Phone: +48 535 303 616; +48 60 33 111 44
E-mail: wm@wamm-pp.pl www.wamm-pp.pl